Predator franchise depicts a series of deadly encounters between humanity and other extraterrestrial species: the Aliens, ferocious, endoparasitoid creatures and the Predators, technologically advanced warriors that hunt for personal sport and honor. The series has led to numerous novels, comics, and video game spin-offs such as Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), directed by the Brothers Strause, and the development of a third film has been delayed indefinitely. Produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox, the film series began with Alien vs. It began as a comic book series in 1989, before being adapted into a video game series in the 1990s. The series is a crossover between, and part of, the larger Alien and Predator franchises, depicting the two species - Xenomorph (Alien) and Yautja (Predator) - as being in conflict with one another. Predator (also known as Aliens versus Predator and AVP) is a science fiction action and horror media franchise created by comic book writers Randy Stradley and Chris Warner.